”Röster om katastrofen”

”Röster om katastrofen”

– Människor har rätt till sitt trauma och berätta var det kommer ifrån. Det är en mänsklig rättighet, säger författaren Bernt Hermele. En av hans böcker ligger till grund för utställningen ”Nakba – palestinska berättelser från 1948”, som just...
The New Yorker on Gaza in 1957

The New Yorker on Gaza in 1957

”The question of whether or not raids and reprisals are resumed – and of who raids and who reprises – is not a matter of such dramatic import as the press here contends. During the two years of scraggly border warfare that preceded the Israelis’ decision to raise the...
”Let´s Leave the Occupied Territories Now”

”Let´s Leave the Occupied Territories Now”

The following declaration, signed by twelve people, was published as an ad in the Israeli daily Haaretz on the 22nd September 1967: ”Our right to defend ourselves from annihilation doesn’t give us the right to oppress others. Occupation leads to foreign rule. Foreign...
“Trapped in a submarine”

“Trapped in a submarine”

Palestinians in Gaza, both refugees and indigenous, live ”like people trapped in a submarine at the bottom of the sea, with an uncertain air supply and no means of egress.” A. J. Liebling, Letter from Gaza, March 16, 1957, The New Yorker Foto: David Scherman Länk till...